
New speed cameras to curb growing road toll

August 22, 2022 6:25 am in by


Secret speed cameras are set to be introduced out across Queensland to help prevent further crashes.

There have been 19 fatalities in the Mackay Whitsunday district this year, while more than 70 thousand Queenslanders have been fined for speeding through school zones since 20-18.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the new cameras would go live in September.

“I’m pleased to announce that new cameras will target speeding drivers in both school and roadworks zones to keep Queensland kids and workers safe,” Mr Bailey says.

“I don’t want to see another roadworker killed or someone’s child badly injured on their way to school just because of the recklessness of a speeding driver.

“These cameras will pop up in high-risk locations next month so I am giving Queenslanders fair warning that these can be anywhere, anytime.

“It’s vital we do everything we can to keep the vulnerable in our community safe on our roads and these cameras will help to achieve that.”

Superintendent Janelle Andrews said speeding was one of the leading causes of fatalities and serious injuries on Queensland’s roads.

“During 2021 there were 74 fatalities as the result of crashes involving speeding motorists, representing almost 27 per cent of Queensland road fatalities,” Superintendent Janelle Andrews says.

“Thousands more road users are seriously injured in crashes.

“Speed kills and there is no apology for enforcing speed limits in school zones and roadworks sites.

“No one wants to carry the guilt of the death or injury of a child walking to or from school, or a roadworker simply carrying out their job.

“These new speed cameras force drivers to slow down in order to avoid a fine or incur demerit points, there is no penalty for doing the right thing.”

TMR director-general Neil Scales says the cameras were different for roadworks sites and school zones.

“Research has demonstrated a clear link between camera enforcement and reductions in speed-related fatalities and serious injuries,” Mr Scales says.

“We asked the contractor to design and build the solar-powered roadworks speed cameras to sit on top of a mobile platform to allow for manoeuvrability around a work site.

“At school zones, the cameras will be installed in specially designed, stationary school zone signs but can be moved around as needed.”

Image: Supplied
